

Stockholm Swimrun Centre at Hellasgården in Stockholm

Here you can download the swimrun track and all other tracks at Hellasgården

Swimrun has become something of a classic activity at Hellasgården after swimrunners from Stockholm and the surrounding area have been training and competing here since the sport took shape in the early 2010s.

Three swimrun courses for different levels

More information about the banana:


Total distance running: 900 m

Total distance swimming: 30 m

This trail is suitable for children. From the reception at the sauna, walk south along the water to the sandy beach (bathing area) located in the north of the eastern part of the large car park.

From there, you can swim from pier to pier and feel safe in the water.

You can even walk in the water.

You then run back to the place where you started. If you want to extend the loop, you can run on the large path along the shore all the way to the other side of the lake.

When you get to the beach on the other side of Källtorpssjön, you can swim again from jetty to jetty.

Finish by running back the same way to the reception at the sauna.

BLUE TRACK - medium

Total distance running: 2600 m

Total distance swimming: 900 m

If you're not ready to swim across the whole lake, this is the course for you.

The second run takes you back to the start, then you continue running for about 1 km.

A little more technical running

The first run on the path along the beach is about 800 metres. The first swim is in a sheltered bay, about 150 metres.

Access the headland that juts out and then swim directly again on the other side (about 30 m on land). You swim about 100 m along the beach.

The next run takes you past the sandy beach on a gravel path. Then it's a bit more technical trail running to the end of the course.

The way back starts with the fourth swim, about 250 metres, to the sandy beach.

From the start, you run back, the same way, to the start.

RED TRACK - advanced

(marked with pink arrows)

Total distance run: 3 km

Total distance swimming: 1 km

A lap consists of two running and two swimming legs.

First swim between two islands

The course starts in the large courtyard of Hellasgården. After about 100 metres running west comes the first swimming section.

You swim across the western part of Källtorpssjön, between the island and the peninsula (see map) and on to Källtorpsbadet on the northern shore.

Path with tough slopes

There you start a trail that begins with a counter slope past the bath, then it turns south in a downhill run that goes on smaller paths.

After a couple of hundred metres, you'll have another steep hill to climb on the rocks on the north side of the lake.

Then it will be another downhill run to the start of the second swim leg.

Finishing swim and trail

You are now swimming across the lake in its eastern part. A slightly shorter distance than the first swim.

The final path is initially hilly, but near Hellasgården you come out on a much flatter part.

Elite and beginners use the track

The Swimrun Stockholm community has been training and competing at Hellasgården since the mid-10s.

The Stockholm Swimrun Centre at Hellasgården, with its proximity to Stockholm city centre, is easily accessible to many.

It is suitable both for those who are already familiar with the sport and want a challenging place to train, and for those who are curious about the sport and want to try it out.

If you want to organise a swimrun race

If you want to organise a swimrun race with Hellasgården as the meeting place, you should first contact the association's contact person, who you can reach via info@hellasgarden.se

Stockholm Swimrun Centre at Hellasgården is being developed in collaboration with Envol Swimrun.

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