Open every day of the year!

Opening hours

Reception and activity centre

9am to 8pm during the summer.

Tel: 08-716 39 61 (Make your button selection. If you want to speak to the receptionist, wait 40 seconds). 

The Lake Café - 9am to 7pm every day.

We do not take cash. SWISH: 1232203214

You use area code 52 on STHLM public parking.

Restaurant Storstugan
Monday-Friday 11-16, Sat-Sun 10-17

Rules for the public:

As a visitor to the area, you must comply with the regulations that apply to the general public. Some important general points are that you are NOT allowed to:

  • Cycle between the buildings at Hellasgården. Space is limited and there is a risk of collision. Be considerate of pedestrians and children at play. Read before you arrive.

  • Camping.

  • Bring a dog or other pet that is not on a leash on the trails and in the forest, especially from 1 March to 20 August. Read before you arrive.

  • Fire/grill, except in designated areas. They can be booked via

  • Damage living or dead trees, shrubs and other vegetation, for example by digging up plants, mosses and lichens or removing wood-dwelling fungi.

  • Destroying or damaging fixed natural objects.

  • Disturbing wildlife.

  • Dump garden waste or other rubbish.

More information about the Nackareservatet can be found at here.

Outdoor meetings all year round!

Send an email with your request to or call: 072 320 16 28
In the title you can indicate the date and the number of participants.
Rent the sauna privately

You can book the newly renovated sauna privately before or after our regular opening hours. The sauna can be rented for closed and mixed groups (companies, associations, friends) if you wish. Companies have prices excluding VAT. Book the sauna privately: email your enquiry to, indicate the date and time you wish to book.

Price: 2500 kr/first hour and 1500 kr next hour on weekdays. On weekends - 2500 SEK/hour. NOTE! There is an extra SEK 1000 if you book at special holidays such as Christmas, New Year's Eve, Midsummer's Eve and Christmas, New Year's Day, Midsummer's Day, Good Friday from 15.00. Contact via email to get the exact price.

Time: 7:30-9:30, from 21:30/18:30 on weekdays/weekends. NOTE! It is very important that you respect the times. Your booked time is counted from when you arrive at the centre to when you leave. Groups that overstay their welcome will be charged 1000 SEK.

Rental of towels: 75 kr/person, bathrobe - 110 kr.

Payment: To finalise your reservation, pay the invoice from Visma before arrival. Cancellation: no later than 7 days before arrival the full amount is refunded, after that - no refund. Re-booking - 72 hours before your booked time.

Bring towels to sit inside the sauna and for your feet, to go out and use afterwards, and flip-flops/sandals to go in and out. How the visit works you can read at sauna.

Stored items are kept outside for two weeks. Staff cannot go through all the leftovers, take responsibility and search therefore self-service on site applies. There is no need to call/email us beforehand. Welcome!